By Donna Bain
Staff Writer
CARROLLTON- The Carrollton City Council met on April 6, 2023. Following the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance, the minutes were approved with a motion from Councilman Phillip Trull and a second from Councilman Sherman Mayhew. The Council voted to pay the city’s bills with a motion from Councilman Chuck McDaniel and a second from Councilwoman Terisa Robbins.
The first item on the agenda was to hear from Cindy and Steve Jackson who came to talk with the Council about putting a camera up in Carrollton to live stream the Courthouse Square on YouTube. This would allow shut-ins and people from out of town to watch events that are held on the Square.
“We encourage each city to have this,” said Steve Jackson. “We install cameras, but they don’t have audio. That could be a good thing. I thought of Carrollton. You have a beautiful courthouse, and it is a no brainer to put a camera up. We have to sell six ads for $50.00 a month to businesses to cover the cost of this. We usually scroll the city information on the screen. James Spann uses these cameras for local weather. It’s a great way to promote your town.”
The Council voted to approve having a camera system on the Courthouse Square if they can acquire the sponsors. This was done with a motion from Councilman McDaniel and a second from Councilman Trull.
Mayor Mickey Walker then gave an update on the grant projects.
See complete story in the Pickens County Herald.
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