Board of Education
By Donna Bain
Staff Writer
The Pickens County Board of Education meeting was held September 22, 2022. Board Member Sam Wiggins was not in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Board President Annie Jackson. The agenda was approved on a motion from Board Member Gene Dawkins and a second from Board Member Dr. John Brandon.
Jennifer Shirley then conducted the second budget hearing of the year. Board Member Frankie Spencer made a motion and Brandon seconded it to approve the budget for fiscal year 2023, and the budget was approved. After the budget hearing, the minutes were approved with a motion from Spencer and a second from Dawkins. Spencer made a motion and Dawkins gave a second to approve payroll, and it was approved.
The financial report was given by Jennifer Shirley, and it was approved with a motion from Brandon and a second from Spencer.
The Board then voted on delegates for the upcoming Delegate Assembly Conference in Birmingham on December 1, 2022. They chose to send Dr. John Brandon as their delegate, and Annie Jackson will serve as the alternate delegate.
Superintendent Jamie Chapman recognized Board members for their accomplishments on school board compliance achievements from the Alabama Association of School Boards. Board members Gene Dawkins, Annie Jackson, and Frankie Spencer were presented certificates for completing all school board hours for 2021-2022. Wiggins also completed his hours for last year. Jackson was recognized for being a Master School Board Member and Dawkins was recognized for completing level 2.
See complete story in the Pickens County Herald.
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