Aliceville City Council
By Donna Bain
Staff Writer
The Aliceville City Council meeting was held on February 8, 2023, and called to order by Mayor Terrence Windham. Councilwoman Rebecca Gilliam was absent from the meeting. After the invocation, the minutes were approved with a motion from Councilman Chris Lewis and a second from Councilman Thomas Wilkins. The council approved to pay the city’s bills with a motion from Councilman Wilkins and a second from Councilman Lewis.
Bids are being taken for someone to run Aliceville’s park concession stand. Running the park concession stand consists of taking care of food for the high school baseball team, high school softball team, the dixie youth baseball team and the girls softball team. Bids must be in by 4:30 p.m on the day of the next council meeting which is February 22, 2023.
The council discussed the millage rate of the city. The millage rate is the amount that is paid on property taxes to benefit the city. Senior citizens and people on disability are exempt from this tax. The city’s millage rate has not changed since the 70’s. Aliceville has the least amount of taxes collected in the entire county. The other towns get two cents, but Aliceville only gets one cent. The council decided to table the decision at this meeting but is considering raising the millage rate for the city of Aliceville.
See complete story in the Pickens County Herald.
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