Aliceville City Council Buys New Tahoe for Police Department

Pickens County Commission

By Felicity Holman
Managing Editor

CARROLLTON- The Pickens County Board of Commissioners meeting occurred on June 13, 2023. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jody McGee. Commissioners Jerry Fitch and Drew Elmore were not in attendance.

The meeting began with a motion from Commissioner Jill Noland to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Nancy Ray seconded the motion, and it was approved.

In new business, Commissioner Noland made a motion to appoint Ms. Jennifer Spencer and reappoint Ms. Emma Forta based on the request from the Pickens County Human Resources Board of Directors, with Ms. Spencer replacing Ms. Caitlan Oden. Commissioner Ray seconded this motion, and it was approved.


See complete story in the Pickens County Herald.
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