
Smiley the Elf Found


Staff Writer

Once again, during the week of Thanksgiving and the week following, Mayor Mickey Walker of Carrollton hid Smiley the Elf and sent out clues on Facebook to help people search for it. Finding the tricky elf was worth $1500.00 in prize money this year. The elf hunt was sponsored by Bankfirst. The elf hunt concluded on Thursday, December 5, 2024, with Michele White finding the coveted prize. Over 30 clues were given out before White figured out where the key was.

BankFirst makes donation to Pickens Co. College & Career Center

BankFirst makes $10,000 donation to Pickens County College & Career Center Wednesday morning. (From left: Chan Mullenix, Heyward Gould, Martin Colvin, Leon Manning, Moak Griffin, Natalie Lavender, Gail Beams, Randy Simpson, Shawn McDaniel)


On Wednesday, BankFirst and First National Bank (who will soon merge with BankFirst) were at the Pickens County College and Career Center (PCCCC) to present a $10,000 check, which will be used to provide students with scholarships.

First National Bank to merge with BankFirst


First National Bank is in the process of merging with BankFirst, which is headquartered out of Columbus, Miss. According to FNB President Heyward Gould, the entire process of the merger will not be complete until near the end of 2019.

“The deal was scheduled to close in the first part of the second quarter, so hopefully April 2019,” Gould said. “It takes a while to integrate the system and computers, so that won’t take place until November. Signage changes and things like that won’t happen until then.”