Staff Writer
The Aliceville City Council held its meeting on December 11, 2024, at City Hall. Councilwoman Rebecca Gilliam and Councilman Chris Lewis were not in attendance. Mayor Terrence Windham called the meeting to order. After the invocation, the minutes were approved with a motion from Councilman Thomas Wilkins and a second from Councilwoman Tayla Ball. Mayor Windham said they needed to extend the time for bids on the demolition of the home at 111 Mobile Road until Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. This extension is needed because they tested the home for asbestos, and the bidders need time to figure out how to proceed. The council voted to extend the time with a motion from Councilwoman Ball and a second from Councilman Robert Wilder.
See complete story in the Pickens County Herald.
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