Notice of Completion
S T Bunn Construction Co., Inc. hereby gives Notice of Completion of contract with Pickens County Road 3 Leveling and Resurfacing ARPA-54-04 in Pickens County.
This notice will appear for three (3) consecutive weeks beginning on May 15, 2024 and ending on May 29, 2024. All claims shall be filed at 611 Helen Keller Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 during this period.
S T Bunn Construction Co., Inc.
05/15/2024 05/22/2024 05/29/2024
Notice of Appointment to be Published by Personal Representatives
Probate Court of Pickens County, Alabama
Estate of Joyce E. Ferguson, Deceased
Case No. 2024-045
Letters Testamentary under the Will of said deceased having been granted to Kristi A. Skolfield on the 7th day of May, 2024, by the Honorable David Pate, Judge of the Probate Court of Pickens County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within the time allowed by law or the same will be barred.
Kristi A. Skolfield, Personal Representative
05/15/2024 05/22/2024 05/29/2024
Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale
Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage and security agreement executed by ANGELA K. JANES A/K/A ANGELA KAY JANES A/K/A ANGELA JANES, A/K/A ANGELA WILCOX BOOTHE, A/K/A/ ANGELA HALL FOSTER A/K/A ANGELA K. FOSTER, A/K/A ANGELA WILCOX HALL, a single person, on the 15th day of June 2023, to FIRSTBANK, as recorded in Real Book 394, Page 214, in the office of the Probate Judge of Pickens County, Alabama; FIRSTBANK, as Mortgagee, by reason of such default having declared all of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage and security agreement due and payable and such default continuing, notice is hereby given that, acting under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and security agreement, and as authorized by Section 7-9A-604(a)(2) of the Code of Alabama of 1975 as amended, FIRSTBANK, as Mortgagee, will sell at public outcry, for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the Courthouse door, in the City of Carrollton, Pickens County, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale on June 5, 2024, the following described real and personal property situated in Pickens County, Alabama, to-wit:
Commence at an iron pipe found on the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 17; thence run North 00 degrees 17 minutes 59 seconds East along the West line of said section 348.24 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42 minutes 01 seconds East 322.22 feet to an iron pipe found on the North right of way margin of Bains Road, a 50 foot wide right of way; thence run North 37 degrees 48 minutes 35 seconds East 383.11 feet to an iron pipe found; thence run North 00 degrees 47 minutes 31 seconds East 206.70 feet to a 1/2 inch capped rebar set, said point being the Point of Beginning; thence run North 00 degrees 47 minutes 31 seconds East 895.22 feet to an iron pipe found; thence run South 86 degrees 34 minutes 26 seconds East 99.32 feet to an iron pipe found; thence run North 00 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds West 701.61 feet to a 1/2 inch capped rebar set at a fence corner; thence run South 86 degrees 12 minutes 22 seconds East along a fence line 397.27 feet to a 1/2 inch capped rebar set; thence run South 02 degrees 58 minutes 12 seconds West 1359.67 feet to a 1/2 inch capped rebar set; thence run West 434.00 feet to the Point of Beginning.
ALSO, ACCESS EASEMENT: A 30 foot wide access easement being in and running across part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 18 South Range 16 West, Pickens County, Alabama, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at an iron pipe found on the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 17; thence run North 00 degrees 17 minutes 59 seconds East along West line of said section 348.24 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42 minutes 01 seconds East 322.22 feet to an iron pipe found on the North right of way margin of Bains Road, a 50 foot wide right of way, said point being the Point of Beginning; thence run North 37 degrees 48 minutes 35 seconds East 383.11 feet to an iron pipe found; thence run North 00 degrees 47 minutes 31 seconds East 221.70 feet; thence run East 499.79 feet; thence run South 30.00 feet; thence run West 470.20 feet; thence run South 00 degrees 47 minutes 31 seconds West 202.15 feet; thence run South 37 degrees 48 minutes 35 seconds West 392.47 feet to a point on the North right of way margin of Bains Road; thence run Northwestwardly and along said North right of way margin, said right of way curving to the right having a radius of 2563.39 feet, a chord bearing of North 53 degrees 29 minutes 04 seconds West for a chord distance of 30.01 feet to the Point of Beginning.
INCLUDING a security interest in one (1) 2023 Clayton manufactured home, Serial No. SAD032809ALAC; together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging and all fixtures now attached to and used in connection with the premises herein described.
This property will be sold on an “as is, where is” basis, subject to any easements, encumbrances, and exceptions reflected in the mortgage and those contained in the records of the office of the Judge of Probate of the county where the above-described property is situated. This property will be sold without warranty or recourse, expressed or implied as to title, use and/or enjoyment and will be sold subject to the right of redemption of all parties entitled thereto.
Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process.
Said sale will be made subject to any existing Federal Tax Lien, if any, and/or Special Assessments, if any, which might adversely affect the title to the subject property.
Said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by the above-described mortgage, and the proceeds thereof will be applied as provided by the terms of the said mortgage. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation; contact Margery Oglesby at the phone number shown below prior to attending the sale.
Kristofor D. Sodergren
Attorney for FirstBank
2200 Jack Warner Pkwy Ste 200
P.O. Box 2727
Tuscaloosa, AL 35403
(205) 344-5000
05/15/2024 05/22/2024 05/29/2024
Notice of Public Hearing
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the interested public, that a public hearing and meeting will be held on the 6th day of June, 2024, at 4:00 P.M., in the City Hall of Aliceville, Alabama, by the City of Aliceville Zoning Board of Adjustment concerning the request for a variance in a B-2 (Central Business District Zone) to locate a 12 x 24 portable building at 319 2nd Street N.W., Aliceville, Alabama 35442 to operate Mayberry Snow (shave ice treats) business at this location submitted by Melody Davis.
Interested public should attend this meeting of the Planning Board of Adjustment
Dineki McCaa, MMC
City Manager/Clerk
05/15/2024 05/22/2024
Notice to Contractors
Federal Aid Project No. NHF-0006(576)
Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Transportation at the office of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Montgomery, Alabama until 10:00 AM on May 31, 2024 and at that time publicly opened for constructing the Partial Grading, Partial Drainage, Base, Pavement, Guardrail Installation, Traffic Signs, and Traffic Stripe on SR-6 (US-82) from the Northwest City Limits of Gordo to 0.440 mile east of the Tuscaloosa County Line. Length 8.142 mi.
The total amount of uncompleted work under contract to a contractor must not exceed the amount of his or her qualification certificate.
The Entire Project Shall Be Completed In Three Hundred Fifty (350) Working Days.
A 5.00% DBE Contract Obligation Is Required.
A Bidding Proposal may be purchased for $5.00. Plans may be purchased for $250.00 per set. Plans and Proposals are available at the Alabama Department of Transportation, 1409 Coliseum Boulevard, Room E-108, Montgomery, AL 36110. Checks should be made payable to the Alabama Department of Transportation. Plans and Proposals will be mailed only upon receipt of remittance. No refunds will be made.
Minimum wage rates for this project have been pre-determined by the Secretary of Labor and are set forth in the advertised specifications. This project is subject to the contract work hours and Safety Standards Act and its implementing regulations.
Cashier’s check or bid bond for 5% of bid (maximum - $50,000.000 made payable to the Alabama Department of Transportation must accompany each bid as evidence of good faith.
The bracket range is shown only to provide general finial information to contractors and bonding companies concerning the project’s complexity and size. This Bracket should not be used in preparing a bid, nor will this bracket have any bearing on the decision to award this contract.
The Bracket Estimate On This Project Is From $38,536,604 To $47,100,294.
The proposed work shall be performed in conformity with the rules and regulations for carrying out the Federal Highway Act.
Plans and Specifications are on file in room e-108 of the Alabama Department of Transportation at Montgomery, Alabama 36110.
In accordance with the rules and regulations of the Alabama Department of Transportation, proposals will be issued only to prequalified contractors or their authorized representatives, upon request that are received before 10 AM., on the day previous to the day of opening of bids.
The bidder’s proposal must be submitted on the complete original proposal furnished him or her by the Alabama Department of Transportation.
The Alabama Department of Transportation, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000D TO 2000D-4 and Title 49 code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of The Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such act, hereby notifies all bidders that if will affirmatively unsure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of dance, color, religion, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award.
The right to reject any or all bids is reserved.
Transportation Director
05/15/2024 05/22/2024 05/29/2024