Staff Writer
Mr. Kenneth Junkin, a Mayberry Tribute Artist who travels around the United States doing Mayberry Shows playing Otis and tours West Alabama playing Santa Clause, has a special guest coming to Pickens County and West Alabama. Dixie Griffith, Andy Griffith’s daughter, will be here in December visiting the area and making special appearances with Junkin as he plays Santa. Junkin met Griffith close to fifteen years ago when she came to Mt. Airy, North Carolina, which is Andy Griffith’s hometown. The Mayberry T.V. show was patterned after the town of Mt. Airy. Junkin met Griffith at The Mayberry Gift Shop on Main Street. Junkin was playing Otis, and Griffith was there meeting customers. The two have worked together and performed together many times over the years. Griffith attended Mule Day several years ago in Gordo and has helped with Eagle’s Wings. The two have become good friends.
See complete story in the Pickens County Herald.
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