Gordo Honors Veterans

Judge Chris McCool Welcomes Veterans and Their Families

By Felicity Holman
Managing Editor

GORDO- The City of Gordo held its 24th annual Veteran’s Day Commemoration Ceremony on Friday, November 11, 2022. The ceremony took place at the Gordo First United Methodist Church. Judge J. Christopher McCool and Mayor Craig Patterson opened the ceremony, welcoming all those that had come to honor the veterans of not only Gordo, Alabama, but all those that had, and currently are, fighting for America.
“This is always, for me, the highlight of my year. This day is about you veterans who sacrificed so much and continue to sacrifice so much because the truth is that once you complete your term of service, your service really isn’t over. It stays with you throughout your life, with the families of the veterans as well.” Said, Judge McCool.
Boy Scout Pack #82 brought forth the flags, and a moment of silence was followed by an opening prayer by Shawn McDaniel. The Boy Scouts led the room in the Pledge of Allegiance, and the National Anthem was then played by the Gordo High School Band.

See complete story in the Pickens County Herald.
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