Guest Columnist
The Board of Directors of the Pickens County Mental Health/Intellectual Disabilities Association invites all citizens throughout the county to come out and celebrate with us as we commemorate mental health awareness. We are using the international theme “Celebrating the Power of Community Kindness” to emphasize the power and impact of community kindness in dealing with the challenges as- sociated with mental issues.
May is recognized in our county as the time to bring public focus to this vital part of maintaining a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Everyone experiences mental health issues. It can be as simple as depression during the winter to anxiety related to high school or college coursework requirements. The stigma surrounding mental health issues may affect whether those experiencing mental health challenges seek professional care. One’s mental health is as important as physical health. The human body is made up of many systems. However, when one system is out of balance, it may lead to dysfunction in one or more of the other systems in the body.
The body is like a community. It is only as healthy as its weakest part. To heal the entire body or community depends on the beneficial factors or systems supporting and healing the more vulnerable parts or systems. The more each of us knows, the greater the opportunity for intervening and helping others to overcome their mental health challenges.
To bring the community together, the Mental Health/Intellectual Disabilities Association will host a mental health tea on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Robinson Geer Center in Carrollton, AL. Come out and greet your neighbors, friends, and county/city leaders and engage in conversations regarding the needs of those with mental health challenges.
See complete story in the Pickens County Herald.
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