Gordo Council Adopts Tougher Property Maintenance Ordinance

By Doug Sanders Jr
News Correspondent

The Gordo Town Council amended a 1990 ordinance at its June 5 meeting that will impose stricter guide- lines on maintaining the property in the town limits.

Mayor Craig Patter- son read the amend- ment to Ordinance 1990-5. Councilwoman Floy Goode made a mo- tion to accept and enact the ordinance. Council- man Jerome Duff sec- onded the motion, and it was passed by the three council members pres- ent (Ms. Goode, Duff, and Jim Elmore); Coun- cilmen Tim Washington and Terence Williamson were ab- sent. Patterson said the ordinance will take ef- fect Wednesday, July 5, 2023.

See complete story in the Pickens County Herald.
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