
Generations of the Hankins Family Serve Aliceville and Surrounding Area at Food Fare

Food Fare Owners Left to Right: Eric Hankins, Gary Hankins, Charles Hankins, and Michael Hankins

By Donna Bain
Staff Writer
If you’ve ever been to Food Fare in Aliceville, Alabama, you have seen what a large, clean, organized and beautiful store the Hankins family has created for the people of Pickens County.
   A.J. Hankins, the first owner of the Aliceville Food Store, retired in Memphis from the Marine Corp in 1970. He came to Aliceville to sharecrop with his brother. Soon his sons came to Pickens County as well.

Mayor Windham Proclaims April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Aliceville City Council

By Felicity Holman
Managing Editor

ALICEVILLE- The Aliceville City Council meeting took place on March 22, 2023. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Terrence Windham. Councilmembers Talya Ball and Rebecca Gilliam were not in attendance.
   The council approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Aliceville hosts grand opening for Boys and Girls Club


On Monday, June 6, 2022 at 11:00 a.m., many people in Pickens County came out to witness the cutting of the new location of the opening for the Boys and Girls Club in Aliceville. The club will be located at the Alabama National Guard Armory. Prayer was done by Willie J Lavender followed by the pledge of allegiance given by the Cub Scouts Pack 205 led by Pastor Hugh Spencer. The ribbon was cut by Mayor Windham, Kim Turner of the Boys and Girls Club, and Mr. Spencer. What a great day for Pickens County and the town of Aliceville!!!

West Alabama Area Agency on Aging hosts Summer Kick-Off Picnic for Seniors

Area Agency on Aging of West Alabama

By Kandis Snyder
Managing Editor

ALICEVILLE-The Area Agency on Aging of West Alabama hosted a Summer Kick-Off Picnic for the senior citizens of Pickens County at the Aliceville City Park. Nikki Poe, Coordinator for the Pickens County area, was over the event. Mayor Terrence Wind- ham of Aliceville and Mayor Melody Davis of Re- form was in attendance as well. Poe has even hosted the picnic in other surrounding counties-Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, and Tuscaloosa.

Aliceville Manor Nursing Home Celebrates National Skilled Nursing Care Week

Councilman Robert Wilder, Councilwoman Rebecca Gilliam, Mayor Terrance Windham, Jennifer Carr-Administrator, Council- woman Tayla Ball, Joy Reynolds-Director of Nursing

By Donna bain
Staff Writer

ALICEVILLE-On April 27, 2022, Governor Kay Ivey proclaimed that Na- tional Skilled Nursing Care Week in Alabama would be May 8, 2022, through May 14, 2022. Mayor Terrence Windham issued a Proclamation at Aliceville Manor Nursing Home on Monday, May 9, 2022, making this a week to honor the important role that skilled nursing care centers provide in caring for and protecting our most vulnerable citizens. Several of the city council members were at the nursing home to witness this Proclamation.

Congresswoman Terri Sewell speaks at town hall meeting in Aliceville

Congresswoamn Sewell speaks on topics related to updates by Congress.

By Kandis Snyder
Managing Editor

ALICEVILLE-Elected officials of Aliceville brought about a town hall meeting with Congress-woamn Terri Sewell to be the face of the meeting speaking on a congressional update on April 20, 2022 at Aliceville City Hall. Tiedra Owens, a native of Pickens County, heads over the Tuscaloosa office for Sewell and introduced the program at the meeting. She recognized elected officials in the audience Aliceville Council-memeber Thomas Wilkins, Commissioner Bobby Ingram and Mayor Terrence Windham

Expungement Clinic held at Aliceville Activity Center

L-to-R: Willie May Jones, Jill Noland, Talya Ball, and Elizabeth Hollis

By Kandis Snyder
Managing Editor

ALICEVILLE-Jill Noland, Job Placement Coordinator of the Pickens County Family Resource Center, and candidate for District 2 Commissioner, hosted along with Aliceville Council member Talya Ball “The Road to Redemption” Expungement Clinic on March 23, 2022 helping those with rent and utilities

Aliceville Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet

Chamber Director, Jodie More

By Felicity Holman
News Correspondent

ALICEVILLE- The annual banquet of the Aliceville Area Chamber of Commerce took place on March 1, 2022, at the Aliceville Museum. Chamber Board President Gary Hankins welcomed a large crowd for the annual event.

Caleb Marine of The West Alabama Bank and Trust called up Everett Owens to present a World War II veterans cap to Clyde Marine.