Mayor Walker

Old Courthouse will be Used for Court in September


The Carrollton Town Council held its monthly meeting September 5, 2024. After the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was called to order. The minutes were approved with a motion from Councilman Freddie Lowe and a second from Councilman Phillip Trull. The council approved to pay the city’s bills with a motion from Councilman Trull and a second from Councilwoman Terisa Robbins.

Mayor Walker gives thanks to Town of Gordo

Mayor Walker

By Felicity Holman
Staff Writer

CARROLLTON- The Carrollton City Council meeting took place on August 4, 2022. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mickey Walker. The council approved the minutes of the last meeting and the bills.

Updates given to the council began with the DRA and CDBG-CV grants. Mayor Walker confirmed that bids have opened and are currently in negotiations. With no further discussion, the council motioned to approve the negotiations.