The State Oil and Gas Board of Alabama will hold its regular hearing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, and Thursday, February 6, 2025, in the Board Room of the State Oil and Gas Board, Walter B. Jones Hall, University of Alabama Campus, 420 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to consider, among other items, the following petition:
DOCKET NO. 02-04-25-04
Petition by Jabsco Oil Operating, LLC, an Alabama limited liability company, authorized to do and doing business in the State of Alabama, requesting the State Oil and Gas Board to enter an order extending the temporarily abandoned status for a certain well located in Buncomb Creek Field, Pickens County, Alabama, for a period of one (1) year, pursuant to Rule 400-1-4-.17(1) of the State Oil and Gas Board of Alabama Administrative Code and Section 9-17-1, et seq. of the Code of Alabama (1975), as amended, as said well has future utility or is capable of producing and should not be plugged, to wit:
Permit: 1.11849
Well Name: McShan 32-3 #1
Field: Buncomb Creek Field
Location: 32-18S-15W
Last Production: 02/2018
Comments: Temporarily Abandoned
The public is further advised that pursuant to this hearing and the applicable provisions of the Code of Alabama (1975) and the State Oil and Gas Board of Alabama Administrative Code, the Board will enter such Order or Orders as in its judgment may be necessary in accordance with the evidence submitted and accepted.
Hearings of the State Oil and Gas Board are public hearings, and members of the public are invited to attend and present their position concerning petitions. Requests to continue or oppose a petition should be received by the Board at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. A petition may be set for hearing on the first day or the second day of the hearing or may be continued to another hearing at a later date. We suggest that prior to the hearing, interested parties contact the Board to determine the status of a particular petition. For additional information, you may contact S. Marvin Rogers, General Counsel for the State Oil and Gas Board of Alabama, P. O. Box 869999, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-6999, telephone no. (205) 247-3680, fax no. (205) 349-2861, or by email at