Citizens Petition Board to Repair Roads

Commission Discusses Petition to Repair Roads

By Felicity Holman
Staff Writer

CARROLLTON- The Pickens County Board of Commissioners meeting took place on August 18, 2022. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jerry Fitch.
The meeting began with public comments from citizens.
The first comment came from Kris Childers and Raven Halcomb concerning the road that Childers lives on.
“I just need to see what it is that I need to do to get my road graded. I’ve called Jerry Fitch every week for over a year now, and to this day he will not get my road graded. I have pictures where Hugh Duncan has strategically set rolls of hay on the road so that it will have the water run across it. You need to get him to move them so that the road can get graded. Did you even come out and look?” Stated Childers.


See complete story in the Pickens County Herald.
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