Fire Chief Gives Council Information on Water Truck


The Aliceville City Council recently met on September 11, 2024. Mayor Pro Tem Robert Wilder called the meeting to order. Mayor Terrence Windham and Councilwoman Tayla Ball were not in attendance.
The meeting opened with prayer. Afterwards, the minutes were approved with a motion from Councilman Chris Lewis and a second from Councilman Thomas Wilkins.
The council voted to table voting on the street cutting permit until everyone could be there. It was approved to table it with a motion from Councilman Lewis and a second from Councilman Wilkins.

Gordo Town Council Adopts 2025 Budget, Includes Raise for Employees and an Increase in Garbage Rates


The Gordo Town Council on Sept. 10 adopted the 2025 fiscal year budget, which included cost-of-living raises for the town’s employees and an increase in garbage rates, starting Oct. 1.
The budget for the 2025 fiscal year (which runs from Oct. 1, 2024 through Sept. 30, 2025) calls for the town to have $1,534,450 in revenues and $1,534,450 in expenditures. Revenues for the town are expected to come from the usual major sources: sales taxes, ad valorem taxes, business licenses and gasoline taxes.

Local Furniture Business Supports Special Education Classroom at RES


Already Furnished, a well-known furniture store in the Hillcrest area of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, has made a heartwarming contribution to Reform Elementary School. The company recently donated two comfortable recliners to Cassandra Hughes-Cole and Jonathan Christian's self-contained special education classroom. This generous act has brought smiles to the faces of students and teachers alike, particularly benefiting a student with a medical condition that requires the use of a recliner.

Old Courthouse will be Used for Court in September


The Carrollton Town Council held its monthly meeting September 5, 2024. After the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was called to order. The minutes were approved with a motion from Councilman Freddie Lowe and a second from Councilman Phillip Trull. The council approved to pay the city’s bills with a motion from Councilman Trull and a second from Councilwoman Terisa Robbins.

Commission Approves Sales Tax Holiday for 2025


The Pickens County Board of Commsioners Meeting was held on Thursday August 29,2024.
Commissioner Jody McGee motioned to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Nancy Ray seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
The meeting then moved to new business where the first item was to approve the $4,914.00 payment to Southern Heating and Cooling for inspection and service on chiller system completed on August 9, 2024. Commissioner Ray made a motion to approve. Commissioner Patti-Presley Fuller seconded the motion, and it was approved.


David Skelton has Served the Community for 51 Years


David Skelton, previous owner of Skelton Funeral Home, has been in the funeral directing business for 51 years this October. Skelton began working in 1973 at the age of 16 with the Stabler family at their funeral home. After getting his driver’s license, Skelton began working there cutting grass, moving flowers, and assisting with funerals. Mr. Gerald Stable, Mr. Frank Stabler, and Mr. Harvey Hopkins taught Skelton much about the business during his time there.

Mayor Mickey Walker Visits First Graders at Pickens Academy


Mayor Mickey Walker visited Mrs. Rachel Burkhalter’s First Grade classroom at Pickens Academy on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Walker spoke to the first graders about the roles of elected officials, police officers and other leaders in the community. The students and the mayor enjoyed this informative visit.

Voter Participation Day in Aliceville will be July 24, 2024

Representative from Maggie Bozemanand Julia Wilder Boter Participation Foundation

By Donna Bain
Staff Writer

Mayor Terrance Windham called the Aliceville City Council meeting to order on November 8, 2023. Councilwoman Rebecca Gilliam was not in attendance. 
 After the invocation, the minutes were approved with a motion from Councilman Chris Lewis and a second from Councilman Thomas Wilkins. The Council voted to pay the city’s bills with a motion from Councilman Lewis and a second from Councilman Wilkins.