Gordo High School Band Invited to Perform on Cruise Ship This Spring
By Donna Bain
Staff Writer
By Donna Bain
Staff Writer
By Felicity Holman
Managing Editor
REFORM- The Reform City Council meeting occurred on December 6, 2022. Mayor Melody Davis called the meeting to order. Councilmember Charlie Taggart was not in attendance.
The council approved the minutes of the November 15, 2022, meeting as well as the payables of November 16th through December 6th.
By Donna Bain
Staff Writer
CARROLL- TON- The Carrollton Town Council meeting was held on December 1, 2022. After the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance, the Council voted to approve the November minutes with a motion from Councilman Chuck McDaniel and a second from Councilman Sherman Mayhew. A motion was made by Councilman Phillip Trull, and a second came from Councilwoman Terisa Robbins to pay the town’s bills, and it was approved. Mayor Mickey Walker was not in attendance, so Mayor Pro-Tem Freddie Lowe conducted the meeting.
By Donna Bain
Staff Writer
The Pickens County Genealogical Society Library had visitors in late November from Annapolis, Maryland. Bliss Joyner Kaye and her father, Ernie Joyner, were on a mission to find the last name of Kaye’s five times great-grandmother, and with the help of the genealogical officers, they added to the narrative of who she was.
The background information to Kaye’s family puzzle is in her quote as follows:
By Donna Bain
Staff Writer
School Resource Officer James Davis was selected as the Employee of the Month for December at the Sheriff’s Department. Officer Davis is the SRO at Gordo High School and Gordo Elementary School. He is also an associate pastor at First Baptist Church in Gordo. Before becoming an SRO, Officer Davis worked as a patrol officer in Reform for 8 1/2 years, and he has also worked in the past at Taylor Hardin Secure Medical Facility where he was an officer and a mental health worker.